If you are having trouble viewing this email please click here. VOLUME 39 • JANUARY 2015
New Beginnings
A fresh approach to 2015

Happy New Year, travel partners!

The arrival of a new year always brings with it a sense of renewal. It's a clean slate, a new chapter—a fresh opportunity to evaluate and take steps toward your dreams with renewed vigor. Of course, just making a big declaration of your goals won't get you any closer to them. This year, don't just make resolutions. Make a game plan. With WAVE season upon us, now is the perfect time to get prepared with effective new habits and goals to help you stay the course and be on your way to a more successful 2015.

Before you start setting up new goals, take a moment to see how far you've already come. Look back at the last year and years before and take note of the progress you've made. Write down the evolution of your business, year over year, big steps and small. Really pause to evaluate your growth. Now that you've taken stock of your achievements, give yourself some new challenges! Start by setting up some specific, measurable goals and recording them on paper. Your goals are only as effective as they are doable and the most doable things have specific steps. Be forgiving and flexible, but always determined to stick to your plan. Surround yourself with positive influences—friends, family and peers that are there to support you when you need advice or encouragement.

With specific goals and a team to support you, the only thing left is to cast your fears aside. The fear of failure is often the biggest hindrance to taking the steps that truly and positively transform your business. Once you let go of those doubts, anything is possible. For more tips on achieving your goals, check out what my friend, President and COO of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Adam Goldstein had to say to a group of travel agents last year. Life is a journey, so don't just pick a destination and hope you get there—plan the route from where you are now to where you want to be. You'll get there sooner than you imagined.

Warm selling wishes for a fantastic New Year!
Vicki's Signature
WAVE Offer Toolkit
Conde Nast Traveler Institute
Travel Weekly Voting
PINS & POSTS Vicki's picks from around the web
How successful people reach
their goals
Via hbr.org
Make smaller goals
for better results
Via entrepreneur.com
Advice for agents from
RCCL President Adam Goldstein
Via travelweekly.com
Go Further with Loyalty Happy Halloween Lifelong Friends
Royal Caribbean International(R) Royal Is Loyal To You Always
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Please note that some companies and products mentioned in Vicki's Spotlight are provided as examples only and their inclusion does not mean, and should not be construed as, a promotion or endorsement of that company, or any products or services offered by that company, by Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd.

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©2015 Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. Ships' registry: The Bahamas.
*Brilliance of the Seas® is operated by RCL (UK) Ltd., a subsidiary of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. • 14041999