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VICKIS SPOTLIGHT - The official e-newsletter of Royal Caribbean Internationals Vicki Freed - VOLUME 23 | March 2013

I recently heard from a Texas travel agent who asked me "How do I sell Royal Caribbean when clients come to me with lower price points from another cruise line?" Here's what I told her:
Acknowledge, set aside, then qualify. Say "I can book that for you, but may I ask you a few questions?" Set the price point aside so that you can connect with the client's needs beyond budget considerations. Ask, "Are you celebrating a special occasion on this vacation?" Even if they don't answer with a birthday or anniversary, everyone has meaningful reasons for a getaway — no one ever says they want an ordinary vacation! Acknowledge what they're telling you, confirming, "It sounds like you're looking to make this hard-earned vacation a special one."Use this to fuel your recommendation. Tell them "For a special getaway like this, I recommend Royal Caribbean. For just a little more money, you'll get so much more return on your dollar." Be confident in the Royal value — every ship has unique features they won't find anywhere else, and nearly all are complimentary.
Then, paint the picture for them — always start with the balcony experience, enjoying breakfast with a sea view, and a drink at sunset. Tell them about complimentary features in detail — the four-story rock wall their kids will love, hit Broadway shows with full sets, Sky High Lemon Meringue Pie in the main dining room (or whatever your own Royal favorite is). Just the way you're picturing it yourself right now, so will they! Details sell it.
And remember, you're the expert. The internet sells on price...but you have so much more to offer. Those clients with price points think they know what they want. But in the end, all anyone wants is the confidence of knowing they've made the right vacation investment. And that's where you prove your incomparable value!

                                    Warm regards,
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*Brilliance of the Seas® is operated by RCL (UK) Ltd., a subsidiary of Royal Caribbean Cruises Ltd. • 13032985